8 Easy Healthy Breakfast Foods..


There are unlimited benefits of breakfast but the question the question arises here what to eat in breakfast it is the meal that breaks your overnight fast and start metabolism, it is the first meal that you put in stomach and start your day. That day can be fresh or dull depends on how you start it and can set up to success by adopting different steps of managing your morning breakfast wisely.

As you know very well breakfast is the most important meal of the day it adds much to your day eating healthy breakfast keeps you active all the day with good and fresh mood.

A healthy breakfast helps you controlling your weight and blood sugar level provide you with vitamins Proteins Carbohydrates and fiber but in opposite to that a bad breakfast helps in gaining your weight and it affects badly on your sugar level and heart too.

It is too difficult to get up early then start thinking what to eat now there are so many things that’s are good for your mental physical health and are easily available which can be added in breakfast menu to maintain good health, as health is much expensive so you have think wisely before choosing your diet try not to skip breakfast.


There are lots of things to eat like:


Eating eggs in breakfast is a good choice which is a good source of protein, eggs are full of proteins vitamin A D and B12. One egg contains approximately 8grams of protein. Protein takes time to digest and it is important for your skin hair blood and bones proteins are needed for so many things in our body.

So eat an half boiled egg which helps you in making you strong as well specially a good one for children’s too. You can also eat an omelet containing sliced ingredients as chili, coriander onions etc. Eating two eggs a day is enough for you to keep you fresh and strong in a happy mood.

Eggs are good source of choline, which is important for your liver and heart. Making delicious recipes with eggs accordingly and add it to your breakfast.


Eating bananas in the morning breakfast is also a good choice as banana contains Vitamin B6 and folate aid in the production of serotonin which helps in reducing anxiety and tension. Eating bananas are good source of vitamin C, Magnesium in it is good for your skin.

Banana helps in the production of your body making your bones strong. So always add banana in your morning diet for further benefits you can add more fruits and yogurt in it.


You heard a lot about an apple a day keep the doctor away its true there are so many health benefits of eating an apple specially in the morning hours it is rich in dietary fiber and pectin, an apple in the morning helps you start your metabolism rate faster it prevents you from diabetes, it is a good source for controlling your weight. You have to eat an apple early before going for morning walk an apple is a juicy fruit it also helps in maintaining water level.

Coffee or Green Tea:

Green Tea coffee and black tea act as antioxidants. Green tea is the best choice for one to lose weight as it burn extra calories try to add it in your breakfast menu, it contains caffeine which helps in increasing alertness and changing your mood and raised metabolic rate. It is helpful against diabetes one cup of green tea contains 30-70 mg of caffeine. Also a good source for increasing immunity level.

Coffee is high in caffeine which also helpful in increasing metabolic rate alertness and mental performance.

So add a coffee or green tea in your morning breakfast for good results regarding your health.

Chia seeds: 

Chia seeds are small black seeds. It is mostly mix with water then it turns to gel like substance there are unlimited benefits of chia seeds a good source of vitamins fibers proteins magnesium calcium phosphorus and so many others.

A best source for increasing immunity level, Calcium magnesium in it for making bones stronger, fiber and protein in chia seeds reduce risks of heart diseases, studies shows that chia seeds helps in weight loss. Add one table spoon of chia seeds to your morning diet and notice multiple good affects in your life.

Oats and Oatmeal:

Oats are the healthiest grain oats are having fiber proteins, good for elderly people who suffers from constipation good for skin care. Oats are good source of carbs and fiber, act as antioxidant.

Oatmeal is a mixture of oat milk salt any fruit of your choice it's like a porridge. Best in weight loss and in controlling sugar level.


Eating yogurt in breakfast has many benefits as people are using it for hundreds of years it helps in reduction of heart diseases, increase and strengthen immunity level, yogurt are high in protein which is best for growth of skin hair bones etc. It also important for weight management. Add at least a cup of yogurt in your diet plan with regular use it make a great difference. It helps in digestion of food also.

Adding different fruits available to you according to choice in yogurt is an awesome breakfast a tasteful combination full of energy and proteins is one of the fresh start. It provides you probiotics prebiotics.


Fruits are essential source of vitamins nutrients minerals and fibers

Every fruit has its own benefits purposes all are the best banana apple mango orange everyone has its own taste and advantage some are good source of vitamin C like orange drinking orange juice in the morning is the best choice a drink full of energy and vitamins. A mixture of these fruits is also a breakfast full of energy nutrients fiber helps in promoting your health wisely. Fruits helps you in reduction of many diseases like heart attack, cancer increases your blood level, controlling sugar level.

Always add fresh fruits to your diet plan because fruits are un cooked and multiple of benefits are found in it.

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