How to start your fresh and healthy day with full energy?


 Yesterday is gone go for A new one warm welcome to a fresh day sun is rising slowly the birds are chirping in their nest cold breeze is blowing imagine  the scene just wake up it's 5 o'clock hurry up go out from bed and start your day there are lots of benefits of rising early. Alarm is ringing it's difficult to leave your bed at that time but can't you believe you'll enjoy much by leaving your bed too early and switch on for the next activities to perform so be ready there are many ways to start your fresh and healthy day some tips for you are listed below:.  



Sleep Tight:
Sleep is very important for you to refresh it makes you feel relaxed for the upcoming task, take proper sleep on time it is mandatory part of your life everyday we sleep can't miss it proper sleep for one is approx. 8hours  go to bed early to get up early is the best way to start your next day full of joy.. sleep early forgetting all your worries .   By sleeping on time make you feel good all the day and helping you getting up early from your bed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Morning Bath:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Taking bath at morning is very important for you to start up to early it refresh your mind and keep you active all the day circulate the blood easily always take bath daily at morning time you will get to know how beneficial it is, also it is perfect in scientific term too make you healthy and strong ,so start your day fresh and clean..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Morning Exercise:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Go for a morning exercise outside your house in a ground in a meadow or somewhere available with green grass walk bare footed in fresh grass do some jogging, running walking or other exercises at least for half an hour look to the environment, enjoy fresh air notice the view that's a perfect match that's a much precious time for you to spend in a clean environment having a peace outside you are lucky if you enjoy it having lots of benefits by doing morning exercises .    


 Healthy breakfast:.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Healthy breakfast is one which contains maximum nutrition's in it with the passage of time we are noticing that peoples are going far from taking breakfast especially a healthy breakfast the main reason behind this is getting up late most of them at 11 or after that near to afternoon then they are eating their breakfast what they eat a diet full of junk food ,oily food what we are doing where we going ,start your day early take early breakfast having much water all the day  your breakfast should contains maximum proteins and nutrition's some cereals, boiled egg, hot water  with lemon and honey that's all .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Setup your routine:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By setting your routine up for the day is a best way to keep you active all the day make a routine plan your exercise breakfast eating time morning routine evening and dinner etc.  by setting it you will follow it easily and it makes your life easiest. Mention your eating time plan on daily bases about your diet plan, meeting time with friends and family evening exercise and much more..                                                                                                                                                                                 Help someone:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Helping someone a day makes you feel blessed and joy ,you get much excitement by doing this on your daily routine help needy person make others feel happy make others smile you will get lots of happiness in revenge go for it with a big heart stay blessed all the day. If you help  needy today maybe a day come they help you  back someday either you get reward in other way. Its a good nature.

Evening Routine:

Make your evening routine reproductive go for a walk or visit some play land a green area off your cell phones for sometimes evening sits in a friend circle communicate with others gossips with them as our brains need something different too. Do some running making jokes have a cup of tea and enjoy your evening.
Eat your dinner early 3hours before sleeping have a light meal and at the end of the day go for sleep earlier at a time to get ready for the next day have a proper sleep..

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